Saxman Environmental Rally; Another Rally ScheduledBy JESSICA COX
September 22, 2016
Enjoined to supporting the Sioux Tribe, the protesters also opposed the mining occurring between the boundaries of Canada and the United States and its possible ill effect on fisheries and water quality, and the proposed logging ill-effects to Deer Mountain. This rally was well-timed because it occurred during the SE Environmental Conference taking place September 19-23 week, and in which attendees gladly demonstrated their support by their presence.
Saxman IRA President Lee Wallace, Paris Albertsen II of Saxman, Jessica Cox of Saxman, and attendees from the Southeast Environmental Conference.
A number of tribal leaders and local citizens stood up to express their concerns in support of the rally and the current environmental issues. Speakers included the Organized Village of Saxman's Saxman IRA President Lee Wallace, CCTHITA President Richard Peterson, CCTHITA Vice President Rob Sanderson Jr, Organized Village of Kasaan Vice President Fred Olsen, Hydaburg Mayor Tony Christiansen, Ketchikan Indian Community Council Member Richard Jackson, and former Ketchikan City Mayor Bob Weinstein. The Organized Village of Saxman, Saxman I.R.A. Council recently passed and approved a Resolution in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe on September 6, 2016, stating “WHEREAS, the Organized Village of Saxman affirms there is a special legal relationship with the United States through a government to government consultation process, and the Secretary of Interior has a duty to exercise the trust responsibility and obligations to protect tribal property and recourses. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Organized Village of Saxman, Saxman I.R.A. Council accordingly firmly opposes the Dakota Access Pipeline Project.”
Hydaburg Mayor Tony Christiansen, CCTHITA President Peterson, Saxman IRA Vice president Sylvia Banie, Saxman IRA President Lee Wallace, in the back is Aoife Rado, Evan Olsen, and Paris Albertsen II.
The Saxman Tribe declares one of the values it holds firm to is: “We wish to live in a clean environment, respect all life, and demonstrate sustainable environmental stewardship”. Another, well known value statement created by Southeast Alaska Natives is the Southeast Traditional Tribal Values “Our Way of Life”, which states to have “Respect for Nature and Property” as well as “We are stewards of the Air, Land and Sea”. The Organized Village has the responsibility to continue the work and commitment that their ancestors started, to be the best stewardship for their lands and waters. The Saxman Tribe is so tied to their lands and waters because it’s their way of life and they need to continue the work of their ancestors. The Organized Village of Saxman supports the local Save Deer Mountain Group and No Transboundary Mining, “We need to preserve our rivers for our future generations,” said President Lee Wallace. President Peterson spoke at the rally in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe saying, “It’s important that Indigenous people stick together.” Vice President Rob Sanderson Jr. spoke of his concerns regarding Transboundary Mining and the rally participants chanted “Save Our Waters!”. Vice President Fred Olsen read a resolution adopted by the Organized Village of Kasaan Tribal Council in opposition of the Dakota Access Pipeline. KIC Council Member Richard Jackson spoke to the rally participants of the importance of standing behind what you believe in. Mayor Tony Christianson of Hydaburg spoke of increasing awareness for the environmental issues our nation is facing. There will be another rally supporting the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe No DAPL held by KIC Council and CCTHITA Council Vice President Rob Sanderson Jr. on Monday, September 26, 2016 at 5:30pm at KIC’s 615 Stedman St. location. “Save Our Waters!” “Save Deer Mountain!” “HooHah!” is the theme.
Jessica Cox ©2016
Editing by Mary Kauffman, SitNews
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