Open Letter to Sen. Sullivan: What I wantBy A. M. Johnson September 06, 2016
I don't go to public meetings any longer particularly with politicians. Not meant as a slap, rather, same o, same o. In reading Senator Sullivan's comments being in Ketchikan, particular the Deer Mountain logging issue, one of the many reasons for the civil war was the South recognizing that the North with all of its industrial power and resources would one day by the shear force of numbers, eliminate 'State Rights' as it was recognized during the day. (Slave ownership being but one subject) Well they were correct, as we in Alaska are the 'New Slaves' in terms of control of our resources. Senator Sullivan chirped on it but behind the chirping is the knowing that Alaska is beholding to the Federal government and its vast number of minions who control us. A simple entry clerk has the power to stop you Senator, and they will prove it time and again. So take the following as a frustration release knowing none of it would or will happen even with a Trump presidency as Senator Sullivan, the Establishment, will stop his efforts just like the entry clerk. Take my word for it in reflection. (The following is a uploaded list-AMJ) My mantra about Trump is this: We are usually in agreement with most of what he says but wish someone else was saying it. So true! We are getting older and our tickers aren't what they used to be . . . so here is my Special Bucket List for 2015,16 . . .
Received September 04, 2016 - Published September 06, 2016 About: "The reason Politicians try so hard to get re-elected is that they would Related Viewpoints:
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