Rodney Dial for AssemblyBy Michelle Sanchez September 23, 2016
Rodney Dial has been shining the light on these issues for some time and now he has decided to make a bigger move that many of us have been hoping for years to get on the Ketchikan Borough Assembly and make a difference. SHINE THE LIGHT AND STOP THE SPENDING MAKE CHOICES THAT HELP OUR COMMUNITY GROW BUT SAFELY... KETCHIKAN IS A UNIQUE TOWN. It offers tourism, yes but our community is more then that and we need to be able to live here year round. Rodney and Lisa have their buisness here in Ketchikan. Rodney is a man of honesty I've seen him work hard and help others. He is your neighbor, your friend and protector for many years in Alaska. He will do wonders for our community. Our community needs such a man - a man with integrity, RODNEY DIAL... Please let's make a difference. Vote for RODNEY DIAL along with me. Michelle Sanchez aka RedBear Received September 21, 2016 - Published September 23, 2016
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