New beverage container excise taxBy Deborah Hayden September 04, 2017
Any additional revenue above $450,000 from this tax, up to $750,000, will replenish the economic development fund. Revenue above $750,000 will flow into the education fund. The tax amount will be $.05 per each non-refillable beverage container less than 1 gallon and $1.00 per non-refillable gallon container of fountain syrup or concentrate. Milk, milk alternatives and fruit juices are exempt from this tax. Refillable beverage containers 1 gallon or larger that do not contain fountain syrup or concentrate, such as gallons of water, will not be subject to the tax. This tax does not target any single industry or segment of the population. It will only affect those who choose to purchase soft drinks, alcohol, and other drinks that come in non-refillable containers. Beer kegs are refillable and will not be subject to the tax, nor will the large refillable carboys of water that fit in water cooler machines. The tax collection will occur at the distributor level when the containers arrive in the borough, not at the point of purchase. It will not create a record-keeping burden on local retailers, grocery stores or shops that sell beverages. I believe this tax is far superior to any proposal we have seen to date as a solution for nonprofit funding. I urge everyone who enjoys the enhanced quality of life nonprofits contribute to the community to attend the borough Assembly meeting next Tuesday, or email Assembly members, and support this ordinance. Deborah Hayden Writer's Comment:
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Received August 31, 2017 - Published September 04, 2017 Related Viewpoint:
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