Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Anti-this, anti-that
By A. M. Johnson
September 13, 2017
Wednesday PM
Editor Sitnews,
With all the news reflecting 'Anti-this' and 'Anti-that' one becomes confused as to which category one fits. On one side is the world s most successful hate group. Democrats. This organization attracts poor people who hate rich people, black folk who hate white folk, gay people who hate straight people, feminists who hate men, environmentalist who hate the internal combustion engine and a whole lot of bratty college kids who hate their parents.
From news reporting videos, one draws a conclusion. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work (March about with signs instead) because the other half they despise is going to take care of them. We [the workers] figure this out that somebody else is going to get what we work for, that will be the beginning of the end of the country.
Some of these same hating folk talk about another Civil War . One side has 8 trillion bullets and the other side doesn t know which bathroom to use. How is that going to work out?
Just saying.
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: "I've learned....
That to ignore the facts does not change the facts."
Was the text of this letter edited by the SitNews Editor: No
Received September 13, 2017
- Published September 13, 2017
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