Japanese Military Build UpBy Donald Moskowitz September 13, 2017
Japan should increase its frontline military personnel from 250,000 to 350,000 and increase the number of tanks from 700 to 1000 and armored vehicles from 3000 to 4000. It has about 300 fighter aircraft and 500 transport aircraft which could go to 500 and 600, respectively. Attack helicopters should increase from 120 to 200. It needs to develop a number of fighter bomber wings. It needs to upgrade its Navy from three aircraft carriers to five and double its destroyers to 90. Japan should increase its missile defense systems to counter missile launches from North Korea, and it might want to develop a robust conventional offensive intermediate missile capability that could strike North Korea. Maybe China and North Korea will be more conciliatory and less aggressive when facing a more powerful Japan. Also, we should maintain a strong military presence in Japan to influence Japanese policies. We have nuclear weapons available at U.S. bases and on aircraft carriers and submarines in the Pacific. Donald Moskowitz About: Was the text of this letter edited by the SitNews Editor: No
Received September 08, 2017 - Published September 13, 2017 Related Viewpoint:
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