Mr. President, Don’t Settle for FAKE Tax ReformBy Wiley Brooks September 13, 2017
In Springfield, Missouri you first called for a tax code that is simple, fair, and easy to understand. The FAIRtax, HR25, S18, is simple and easy to understand because taxpayers “do their taxes” at the cash register. There is nothing to do on April 15. The FAIRtax is fair because it provides a refund from the Social Security Administration (there is no more IRS) to every US household with lawful residents. This refund reimburses that household for tax the household pays on essentials. Second, you called for a competitive tax code that creates more jobs and higher wages for Americans. The FAIRtax is competitive because it stops taxing the two ingredients needed to grow an economy: labor and capital. Third, you called for tax relief to middle-class families. The FAIRtax helps middle-class families by ending the payroll tax. The FAIRtax also lowers pre-tax consumer prices by removing tax costs from every service and every tangible good. Finally, you called for repatriation of trillions of dollars in wealth that is parked offshore. The FAIRtax brings back over ten trillion dollars in months because it removes tax on business. Mr. President, turn away from FAKE tax reform. Make Congress discharge the FAIRtax from committee; get the bill to the floor and then over to your desk. Wiley Brooks
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Received September 08, 2017 - Published September 13, 2017 Related Viewpoint:
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