Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Capped Hybrid Head Tax
By A. M. Johnson
September 25, 2017
Monday AM
Editor Sitnews;
Let me try to understand the intent of the Capped Hybrid Head Tax . if one is employed they are subject to paying a tax in some cases enough to offset the dividend check they will receive plus a scheduled amount based on levels of income. Okay. at the same time, those who are not employed, (Read Mail Box money recipients) will enjoy the full dividend amount and pay no tax.
One has it and loses it, the other has it without losing it.
What is wrong with this picture?
This rings up there with the internet post reflecting the huge number of social benefits handed to those who are on the dole one way or another including those who are residents of the state that are illegal in the United States. All of these folks are costing not contributing, to the welfare of the state. Now the Governor cooks up a plan that pure and simple insults a logical thinking employed resident. In a word or two, This should be a Non-Starter .To which I have so advised Representative Ortiz.
Pick a point in the State fiscal history where the current dollars available meet the year of past same dollar budget. Look at the departments and increased manning at that juncture. All departments and activities/interdepartmental personnel increased or created from that point to current are then on the elimination list. Figure a inflation / pay adjustment number to meet those two specifics.
Whatever that level of services was then, should be fitting for current population as the State still remains in a reasonable close proximity to the population of the indicated past budget year.[consideration of population departing the state with employment opportunities decrease will be noted ]
Regarding comments read, that the issue should be placed before the voters. Nonsense, we elect our representation to make the hard decisions. lacking that then this is a citizen recommendation.
Summation: Last in becomes the first out. The elimination of increased personnel positions/departments created up to this budget are eliminated till the level of budget funding and services then equals the budget funding ,personnel,and services levels of that identified past year.
And yes, the medicaid the governor added is a new part of that increased cost of government. Ask what folks did back at the identified year of funding level.
Too simplistic or painful? take a shot! Damn right! Sorry to see it.
visualize the hardships involved. Life can and will be tough. Government gives and government takes.
In closing, Winston Churchill stated: I contend that for a nation[state] to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: One never appreciates what they have[dividend] til it's gone. Toilet paper is a good example.
Was the text of this letter edited by the SitNews Editor: No
Received September 24, 2017
- Published September 25, 2017
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