Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
By David G Hanger
September 28, 2017
Thursday AM
I do hope the following does not offend or bother our divine masters.
That said anyone who believes in eliminating the estate tax is an outright idiot, or an autocrat working to eradicate representative democracy. Without the estate tax the accumulation of massive wealth at a handful of nodal points, i.e. families, will result in the return of monarchy, i.e. rule by hereditary right, within three generations.
The estate tax is not designed to take down ordinary family fortunes; never has been. Estates worth up to $25 million or so and under are not subject to this tax at all. Only the super-pigs need worry about the estate tax, as well they should. The conservative philosophical point here is that it is the beneficence of government and the extant markets and infrastructure government manages that provides one with the economic opportunity in the first place, and it is not to the benefit of that beneficence or the population that it represents for a limited group of individuals to own and control everything. (If that kinda sounds like current conditions, think a little deeper about that, eh!)
Scientifically, I would simply observe that any kind of hoarder is a very mentally unstable individual, and I am not particularly interested in such a jerk trying to be king ever again. But maybe you like to grovel more than I do. What do I know?
How many of you still believe in representative democracy? Or is just your point of view acceptable?
Oh I am sorry, oh Great Ones, for having so sorely offended thee by momentarily presenting thought above the level of drooling out of the side of one’s mouth. I realize that only you, the Christian mullahs and ayatollahs of Ketchikan, and your inordinate knowledge and profundity gleaned only in some instances via divinity or seminary school, are the true arbiters of speech, thought, association, and fact, on any subject under the sun, of course, and that you and your spies will continue working in the dark to ensure no one regresses from your expected norm.
David G. Hanger
Ketchikan, Alaska
Was the text of this letter edited by the SitNews Editor: No
Received September 27, 2017
- Published September 28, 2017
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