Dan Bockhorst protects your family checkbookBy Gary WilkenSeptember 17, 2018
Even when the State was in its strongest financial position ever, some legislators wanted to repeal this tax relief. The State House Task Force on Sustainable Education’s final report in January 2014 concluded current State funding for education was no longer sustainable and looked to shift more costs to taxpaying boroughs. Within days of the Task Force’s final report, the Ketchikan Borough boldly filed its lawsuit challenging the State tax on boroughs altogether and my borough willingly joined in. Suddenly talk of repealing the tax cut stopped after the Ketchikan/Fairbanks lawsuit was filed and, while the suit was successful in Superior court, it was unfortunately overturned in Alaska’s Supreme Court. However, the Supreme Court thankfully left the door wide open for a challenge based on the State’s responsibility for schools rooted in Article VII of Alaska’s Constitution. A 2017 Alaska Law Review article concluded that “a successful challenge to the [State tax] under the Public Schools Clause is a possibility.” Interest is growing again among legislators in gambling that there will be no further lawsuits and the path is clear to repeal this tax reduction. If the tax cut is repealed, the Ketchikan Borough will be forced to pay the State an additional $2.5 million per year. Fighting on behalf of taxpayers in boroughs across the state, Dan Bockhorst has stood front and center in the effort to squash any attempt to add to your taxpayers’ burden. It was an honor to sponsor his valiant fight in 2001 and I encourage your support to keep him on the side of Ketchikan taxpayers as a member of the Ketchikan assembly. Gary Wilken
Editor's Note:
Received September 16, 2018 - Published September 17, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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