Political ChallengeBy Mike PainterSeptember 21, 2018
Several years ago when the owner of the “Lynden group” wanted to purchase Northland Barge Lines, that sale had to be approved by the State of Alaska Attorney General in order to prevent a monopoly on shipping services in Southeast Alaska. Part of that agreement was that another entity had to come to the party and remain viable to prevent said monopoly, ie. Samson Tug & Barge. I’m told that this agreement had a sunset after 5 years. Well folks that Attorney General no longer holds that position and the 5 year agreement has expired. So what has happened to freight costs? I don’t know about your’s but mine has grown over 300% in the last few years, not to mention the “fuel surcharge”. Now for the political challenge, for all of you running for State and Local office (from the Governor on down) what if anything can you do about this. If this isn’t a monopoly I don’t know what is. Mike Painter
Editor's Note:
Received September 18, 2018 - Published September 21, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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