Brett KavanaughBy David G HangerSeptember 26, 2018
Cherry boy would have you believe that he spent four years in high school and seven years in college, and in all that time never had any consequential social intercourse or sexual intercourse with any female whatsoever. This is a clown in serious need of counseling because university is not a candy store, it is a candy factory. The fact that this fool did not (by his own admission) mix it up with the young folks around him means that he has already flunked two-thirds of the college experience. (First lesson, and one several local notables flunked terribly, is there are a whole lot of other smart people out there.) This leads me to believe more than disbelieve the allegations made by the women. Been there. Vast horniness abounds amidst vast virginity, and sexual insecurity is but one of many ego manifestations in need of conditional resolution. Book and coursework is a trifle compared to this learning experience. In Austin on Comanche Trail young people in large numbers skinny-dipped in Lake Travis while the more repressed males floated in boats fifty yards offshore watching with binoculars, but never participating, while swilling beer. There comes a time when you recognize that twinkle in the eye for what it is, a signal that some gal wants to play with you. Or you don’t, and that kind of clod can live his repressed little life in a closet all he wants to, but the idea that such an individual should ever be judging anyone else’s sexual conduct, which in fact is what his nomination is all about, is beyond obscene. David G Hanger
Editor's Note:
Received September 25, 2018 - Published September 26, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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