Anything but DanBy Michelle O'BrienSeptember 28, 2018 Something is happening in Ketchikan right now, there is a wind of change. We have a good number of candidates running for office, almost all of whom are passionate about serving our community. That’s great! Also, there’s a sense of renewal coming which could take away the breath of what I would term as “the old boy’s club.” And, in my opinion, there’s one candidate who exemplifies everything negative about that club...Dan Bockhorst. This year, you have said loud and clear, that you desire transparency. Many of you have said you desire elected officials who listen better. Many of you have said that you desire better collaboration in planning our future. You need to voice this with your vote on Tuesday. Your vote can bring about change. Because, for far too long, Dan Bockhorst has taken an extremist approach to his management of Borough finances, uselessly squandering hundreds of thousands of dollars of your money on suing the state with funds that could have been used locally. For too long, he has held the School District hostage with lower and lower budgets, all the while berating staff , teachers and the School Board. For too long he has looked down upon regular citizens who dared approach the podium with opposing views and treated them with disdain. And THAT was when he was the Borough Manager, and did not have a vote on determining our future. We should not have tolerated that type of behavior then, and you should not vote to tolerate it anymore. For all these reasons, I believe Ketchikan residents are ready for a change: from this notion of not engaging the community in conversation about our own future, to a future of thoughtful listening, prudent planning, and teamwork to continue to keep Ketchikan the amazing place that it is. Old debates, old men, and negative politics should be a thing of the past. You deserve better than Dan Bockhorst and his cronies who whisper in his ear. You deserve change. And to make that happen, you need to VOTE. I’m calling on you – on October 2nd – to mark your ballot for change. Together, we can elect people that share our vision. Let’s dare to use words like “change” “hope” and “progress”. Let’s look beyond old politics and have the audacity to ask for something better. Let’s look Dan’s cynicism directly in the eye, and have faith that the best has yet to come in our new leaders. And, especially, because there is so much to do to secure a bright future. But it won’t come if you choose to elect the “same old, same old.” I encourage you to vote for your choice on October 2nd, but I will definitely NOT be voting for Dan Bockhorst. Michelle O'Brien
Editor's Note:
Received September 27, 2018 - Published September 28, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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