O’Brien, Hartley Reveal Appalling Disregard for Citizens’ RightsBy Dan Bockhorst
September 28, 2019
O’Brien and Hartley display a shocking disregard for the right of citizens of Ketchikan to remain informed about the people’s business. Both have declared that they would conduct public business privately. State and Borough laws prescribe that deliberations of the Borough assembly “be conducted openly.” Those laws provide further that the citizens of Ketchikan do not give elected Borough officials “the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know.” State and Borough laws enshrine the right of Ketchikan citizens to remain informed so “they may retain control over the instruments they have created.” (See AS 44.62.312 and KGBC 2.10.190.) Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis set the standard for the conduct of the people’s business when he famously stated more than a century ago, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” Dan Bockhorst
Editor's Note:
Received September 27, 2019 - Published September 29, 2019 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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