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HELP Committee Hears Testimony on Simplifying Federal Student Aid Application


September 18, 2020
Friday PM

(SitNews) Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) took part in a Senate HELP Committee hearing focused on fixing the burdensome and complicated Federal Student Aid Application (FAFSA), which students utilize to apply for federal student financial aid to help pay for college.

The hearing explored legislative solutions to simplify and shorten the Federal Student Aid Application (FAFSA), including making it easier for low-income families to qualify for federal Pell Grants. 

“We must do a better job of not only communicating to high school students what grants and loans might be available to them to go to college, but also improve the process on how they go about accessing that aid. The reality is, Alaskan students and families have missed out on federal aid because the process to get there is unnecessarily complex and onerous. It’s important that we work to simplify this process and better equip student to make these important decisions. There are a number of challenges in pursuing a higher education - the application process for student aid shouldn’t be one of them,” said Murkowski.

During a Senate HELP Committee hearing focused improving the FAFSA process, Senator questioned a panel of experts on avoiding potential misunderstandings regarding Pell Grant eligibility and opportunities to improve the verification process.



On the Web:

Watch the Full Hearing: Time to Finish Fixing the FAFSA - September 17, 2020


Edited By Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of News:

Office of Sen. Lisa Murkowski

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