Political CartoonBy A. M. Johnson
September 19, 2020
In the Saturday issue (9-12-20) of the Ketchikan Daily News editorial page the daily political caricature exceeded the lowest of the low for this season. The depiction of our President spraying the monument of the unknown soldier with the word "Sucker". Who on the staff of the Ketchikan Daily News seeing this depiction, allowed it to be printed? This depiction reflects the ignorance of the the current level of publishers given the trust of the public to present the events of the today, yesterday and applicable history in actuate detail substantiated by sources who identify, and verified fact. The low opinion this writer has of the Ketchikan Daily News, is reinforced viewing this insult to the Unknowns, President and in turn, to we, his supporters and yes, supporters of the opposing political party. The editorial staff of the paper chose in printing this, one can assume, to reflect their personal political frustration knowing the positions presented by those Democrats they obviously support are not carrying the political day. A long time back after digesting the constant liberal slant of this publication we weighed continuing our subscription and supporting local. We know that the continued delivery of the tripe from the Washington Post and Associated Press can easily be fact checked by the daily news before publication by relying on many proven news delivery sites on the internet. Such as: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/ And many more all of which provides any and all the news 24 hours before the Ketchikan Daily News prints. In closing, this caricature on the 12th reflected a total insult to the American voter, the families of fallen military members, current serving men and women and a sad reflection on a poorly run juvenile editorial page staff. A.M.Johnson
About: Editor's Note:
Received September 12, 2020 - Published September 19, 2020, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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