Vote ‘YES” on Proposition 1By David G. Hanger
September 27, 2020
Vote ‘YES’ on Proposition 1. These folks are constantly carping about how they will increase your Permanent Fund Dividend and want to restore the ferry service; all of which is a damned lie without a source of revenue. The oil companies have been stealing us blind since 1980. In the past ten years alone the rip-off exceeds $20 billion by a considerable sum. There would have been plenty of money to finance everything in this state in the past decade. Instead all reserve accounts are drained; gone. Without substantially increased royalties and taxes on the oil companies there will be no PFDs, there will be no ferries, no senior citizen homes. There will in short be next to nothing. The most incredible part of this is the “poor, poor, pitiful oil companies” act. If there is oil in the ground, people, the oil companies will be there to get it. If by chance they decide to extract instead in Marfa, Texas, first, well so be it. The oil will still be there. Worrying about the employment of a bunch of carpetbagger oil company employees situated in the Anchorage/Fairbanks corridor has absolutely no benefit to the local or regional economy; in fact it creates a deficit because of the lack of government services that would otherwise be available. The Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce have sold out their community to support a bunch of thieves. Vote ‘YES” on Proposition 1, and tell the self-entitled and self-absorbed to go to hell. David G. Hanger
About: Editor's Note:
Received September 21, 2020 - Published September 27, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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