Open Letter to Ketchikan City CouncilBy John Harrington
September 03, 2022
I see that the Library Initiative is on your agenda. I also assume that the request for funding will pass in some form. Given that it is on the agenda it is open for some related amendments. In my letter to you at the last meeting, I said: “You also have a way to remove much of the anger fueling this initiative. You as a council can direct the Library to cease the gender identity and sexual indoctrination programs aimed at children under the age of ten.” So, with this letter I am requesting that you consider amending the budget item to direct the Library to cease the gender identity and sexual indoctrination programs aimed at children under the age of ten. By taking this action, you will remove much of the anger that fueled this initiative, you can also welcome back to the Library many parents, grandparents and children with an assurance that they will not face the unacceptable materials aimed at the young children. I can find no valid reason to insist that preschool and primary age students must be subjected to the type of programing. Please get the adults out of the way, let them argue about their issues and allow our children to be children for a few more years. Sincerely, John Harrington
Editor's Note:
Received September 01, 2022 - Published September 03,2022
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