Ketchikan Library Issue & Academic GoalsBy A. M. Johnson
September 04, 2022
"Grade School is for learning reading, writing, math, not cross-dressing, breast augmentation and castrations.".... Auth unknown. In light of the current library issue, the above statement is anticipated reflection of liberal bent education professionals (not all) for fads, trends and "Current Research" anticipated, if not already manifesting locally, or soon, to be, left unchecked. I quote this as a proud recalled school board member who stood for the above fundamentals and would have been against any effort to dilute academic goals with "Woke Mentality". Speaking to academic goals, vague and far, far distance has there been any public indication the current school board has any interest beyond "Policy". Don't blame the recent pandemic for the past and continued failing and struggling 50% students who are not obtaining reading/math skills at grade three level, a fact rarely addressed - much less any consistency of assurance to improvement. It is and will apparently continue being an ongoing result. A.M. Johnson
About: Editor's Note:
Received September 04, 2022 - Published JSeptember 04, 022 Related Viewpoint:
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