Vote NO on Proposition 2By Barbara L Bigelow
September 13, 2022
My reading career started and was enhanced by a kind librarian who suggested books for me as an 8-year-old child. It is hard to imagine a reputable community without a library for all its citizens. Libraries enrich us, compel us to read and supports our communities. The Ketchikan Public Library has so many programs and offerings for its citizens. There are many positive attributes of community, including housing, arts, open spaces, recreation, good schools, jobs, and yes libraries. As I emerged from the pandemic as a healthcare provider, I became evermore mindful of community and what makes Ketchikan a good place to live, work, and raise a family. Our library supports programs for families. In fact, Library services reach throughout the community—many in partnership with other community entities. You or your family may be using library services without even walking through the doors of the library! Please join me in voting “NO” on Proposition 2. We need our Library and we need to keep our programming therein at the level of service and commitment that the dedicated staff provide for all of us. Barbara L Bigelow
Related: Editor's Note:
Received September 08, 2022 - Published JSeptember 13, 022 Related Viewpoint:
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