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$13.36 Million Released By NOAA For
Coastal Programs In Alaska


October 15, 2003
Wednesday - 12:05 am

Some of Alaska's coastal programs will soon benefit from more than $13 million in funds from the Department of Commerce. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration informed Senator Ted Stevens that funds for the projects and programs listed below have been released.

"These funds will help our fishermen market Alaska's seafood, continue sound management of our fisheries, and support the important work being done at the Alaska SeaLife Center," said Stevens.

The funds released are:

  • $8,000,000 to the Alaska Fisheries Marketing Board to market, develop and promote Alaska seafood. The goal of the Alaska Fisheries Marketing Board is to increase demand, product usage and awareness of Alaska Seafood products. Stevens authored legislation creating the Alaska Fisheries Marketing Board, which was included in the Fiscal Year 2003 funding bill for the Department of Commerce. The Board will award grants to market, develop, and promote Alaska seafood and improve related technology and transportation with an emphasis on wild salmon.
  • $1,156,202 to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council to address the management of its fisheries relative to the Steller sea lions.
  • An additional $493,030 to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council to support the Council's responsibilities pursuant to the American Fisheries Act.
  • $657,000 to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for the Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Protection and Restoration Cost Share Program to sustain and enhance salmon habitat on the Kenai Peninsula.
  • $472,395 to the Prince William Sound Science Center to complete the implementation of a Nowcast-Forecast Information System in Prince William Sound.
  • $169,690 to the Bering Sea Fisherman's Association for the completion of a CDQ data base to provide a stable information base to assist regulatory bodies in examining and evaluating changes in the communities participating in the program.
  • $969,656 to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for Pacific Salmon Treaty implementation and to help provide technical support necessary to effectively manage Yukon River salmon fisheries in the context of U.S./Canada negotiation commitments.
  • $967,073 to the Alaska SeaLife Center to rescue, treat and release stranded marine mammals.
  • $483,858 to the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association for a multi-faceted research program to aid in the assessment, restoration and research of Yukon River salmon.

Source of News Release:

Office of Senator Ted Stevens
Web Site


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