Rita Cruz
Ketchikan, Alaska - Rita Cruz,
a 28 year employee of Ketchikan General Hospital, has been named
Employee of the Month for October by a committee of her co-workers.
Cruz has worked her entire tenure at KGH as a laundry attendant,
a job which includes washing, drying, folding the linens, and
stocking all patient care areas with clean linens daily. She
also cares for the personal linens belonging to the residents
of long-term care, and mends them if needed.
The co-worker who nominated
her for this award acknowledged the integral part Cruz plays
on the health care team, and stated "She not only is a faithful
worker but always has a smile as she brings the clean linen.
Her kindness brightens many of our days."
The award of Employee of the
Month at KGH recognizes those who regularly go above and beyond
what is required, to provide high quality service to patients,
visitors and co-workers.