![]() With Current Moratorium Expiring in Days, "The Clock is Ticking for Taxpayers" October 25, 2003
"Millions of American Internet users are waiting for the U.S. Senate to make permanent the protection from predatory online taxes that they deserve," said NTU Director of Government Affairs Paul Gessing. "Internet use is already taxed through the burdens that states and localities impose on phone and cable bills. Allowing big government to take a second crack at taxpayers, through Internet access taxes or special online sales taxes, literally amounts to double jeopardy." Current law -- set to expire November 1 -- bans special state and local taxes on Internet access, multiple-state taxation of a single item bought online, or taxes that treat Internet purchases differently from other types of sales. The House has already passed legislation making the moratorium permanent. Gessing warned that unless the Senate passes S. 150, the Internet Tax Non-Discrimination Act, "businesses could face a confusing array of tax collecting requirements from the 7,600+ taxing authorities across the U.S. Equally troubling, the 62 million American households that have Internet access would likewise be left to suffer from a serious disruption of e-commerce." NTU's campaign on behalf of S.150 is already in full gear, and includes e-mail alerts to over 80,000 of the group's online members, grassroots lobbying of undecided Senators, and talk radio appearances. "True tax fairness demands that the Senate move now to safeguard Internet users from discriminatory tax policies," Gessing concluded. "Revenue-hungry states and localities should not be allowed to devour taxpayers simply because of the Senate's failure to act."
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