Could Ketchikan attract Google?
By Rick Grams
October 01, 2005
Saturday PM
Reading the news today I became a little envious of people who
live in San Francisco. Google has partnered with the San
Francisco city government to implement a city-wide wireless Internet
presence. (Story)
What makes it so fascinating
is the fact that nearly every technological gadget built in the
past 3 years has wireless capability included!
Naturally this plan will run into some barriers, and local Internet
companies are likely to scream something about unfair competition,
but that will all be smoke and mirrors in the bigger picture.
The real picture of the world as it evolves will be the ease
in which we can communicate. A wireless Internet capability
provides a backbone for a new era of individual communications.
Imagine making a phone call from your wireless enabled PDA for
free instead of paying that ever increasing cell phone bill.
Or think how nice it would be to send live images of your
son or daughter to their grandparents. Educationally, all
the people attending UAS and other universities through the Internet
would benefit enormously from this type of capability. The
capabilities of this prospect goes on and on and on in my mind.
However, the technology aspect is not the point of my comments
here. What I really want to discuss is why the leaders
of our local governments do not attempt to solicit this kind
of interest in Ketchikan? We all see how the cruise line
industry is a constant focus, so why not expand that concept
into other areas of economic opportunities? How can a beautiful
place like Ketchikan reach out to the big companies and offer
our hometown area as a platform for testing new and exciting
projects such as the one Google and the City of San Francisco
are working toward? Simple, we need to get involved. We
need to stop waiting for opportunity to come to Ketchikan and
seek out partnerships to bring the opportunities to Ketchikan.
Perhaps with newly elected governments we can look beyond the
areas of traditional economic interests and explore other interests
that our elected officials may not be so familiar with.
The creation of committees or workgroups consisting of local
experts in the field would help to facilitate the exploration
of future possibilities.
As we all keep looking for ways to improve our economy without
destroying our environment I hope that these ideas can be shared
to create a new starting point, a new direction for the Ketchikan
Rick Grams
Ketchikan, AK - USA
Note: Comments published
on Viewpoints are the opinions of the writer
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Sitnews.
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