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Vote for Joe Williams
By Penny Penderson


October 03, 2005

I believe that the Borough Assembly's inability to make effective decisions in recent years is because of poor leadership. A vote for Joe Williams is one of hope and trust. I will be voting for him Oct 4th.

I respect Joe for how he conducts his personal, professional and political life. He understands the issues at hand, but more importantly, I feel he understands the elements necessary for a healthy community: a strong investment in education, a diverse economic base, and respect for the community resources both natural and human. His leadership does not have a political agenda other than to promote integrity and structure within this body of decision makers. He accepts the opportunities and responsibilities that the position affords. I look forward to an Assembly that he is part of.

I urge you to vote Joe Williams for Borough Mayor on October 4th.

Penny Penderson
Ketchikan, AK - USA




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Ketchikan, Alaska