SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Charles Edwardson


October 01, 2007
Monday PM

The members of the borough assembly that did not get on the agenda their opposition of Ballot Measure 1 the jewelry store initiative, I would like to say to you" thank goodness for the election process."

Many of you expressed your point of view on this issue publicly and apparently the manager Mr. Eckert had an opposing resolution ready for you to vote on. Much like the vote you must have taken on the stand you took on the initiative in the first place. An attorney and clerk told you this initiative was a legal avenue to pursue a ballot measure - so it was put on the ballot.

Then another attorney told you that some of the assembly opposing this issue that was approved by the body was in someway illegal. I am not an attorney and do not claim to know the legalities of this seemingly contradictory position you all have been bullied into. But after witnessing this act of an assembly of people who are supposed to represent the community (all the community not just certain sides), I am tempted to test my theory.

My lawyer may be in to your chambers someday telling you that an initiative banning all general contractors under the age of 45 (as I am rapidly approaching that age and there are too many young Contractors out there) is a reasonable and constitutional measure. And in this instance I hope you all are still there because if my lawyer tells you that this is the way it is, it must be true right!!

Again thank goodness for the election process.

Charles Edwardson
Ketchikan, AK

Received September 29, 2007 - Published October 01, 2007


Related Letter:

Resolution Opposing Proposition I by Assembly Challenged As Abuse of Power - Read the letter that was hand-delivered...

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska