SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Sale of Saxman Seaport
By Sylvia Banie


October 22, 2007
Monday PM

I have read a lot of bad mouthing from people. regarding the sale of property to the state (the Saxman Seaport). I would like to know if those people have any idea how much the state offered for almost 8 acres of land (prime land at that)? They have nothing to lose. They get to keep their land.

I feel that before you comment on things that you go and find out the real facts first. If they didn't want to give up their land I would not condemn them. The people of Saxman have spoken that they don't want to sell their land. They have stated at many meetings they prefer a lease. But that was not mentioned by any of the people. I think that a person should be there and understand the whole process before stating a view that is not totally accurate.

Sylvia Banie
Ketchikan, AK

About:"Life long resident of Saxman"

Received October 19, 2007 - Published October 22, 2007


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska