SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


George Appointed Sitka Superior Court Judge


October 29, 2007
Monday AM

jpg David George

David George
(SitNews) - Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on Thursday appointed David George to the Sitka Superior Court. He replaces the Honorable Larry Zervos, who retired.

George, 57, has been a resident of Southeast Alaska for 30 years and has practiced law for more than 31 years. He graduated from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law in 1974. His private practice in Juneau has focused on criminal law and civil litigation.

"David's significant trial experience and knowledge will serve Alaskans well on the bench," Governor Palin said. "His professional conduct and competence are exemplary. He will be a great asset to our judicial system."

The Alaska Constitution requires the governor to fill judicial vacancies by appointing from a list of applicants nominated by the Judicial Council. The Judicial Council is an independent citizen's commission created by the Alaska Constitution. George was one of three candidates presented by the Judicial Council to Governor Palin, who made the selection within the 45 days allowed to fill a vacancy.


Source of News:

Office of the Governor


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Ketchikan, Alaska