SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Thank you Councilman Coose
By Charles Edwardson


October 04, 2008

Councilman Coose finally addressed a very serious subject that the entire council should have addressed weeks ago, the mayor of this city did have a very serious lap of judgment by berating the one person who we should be trying to change their opinion and outlook of Ketchikan --"the current administration ", You do not have to support Governor Palin or her policies, but DO NOT ANTAGONIZE HER ON OUR BEHALF.

The CONCERN I have and the thing I regret , is that Councilman Coose felt the need to relinquish his seat and go to the podium as a citizen to make his remarks. This to me indicated that he did not feel he could count on our governing body to support his concerns, or that this council actually endorsed this outburst by Mayor Weinstein, or were too timid to say anything about our local mayor using his position to express his political opinion that was not directed or endorsed by the council( or was it)???

Either way my comments lately on KFMJ about our council being 'QUIET" -- this is precisely what I mean. The podium is a last resort for a councilman and when they relinquish their chair due to lack of support from his fellow councilmembers emphasizes the importance of the issue.

I will not relinquish my seat on city issues if I am elected to the city council next week,, and I will offer Mr. Coose the support he needs to address our mayor and our staff from our appointed seats with the authority vested to this body by the State and Federal constitution, backed by our city charter,, and they will listen to the deliberative body elected by the citizens of Ketchikan.

Charles Edwardson
Ketchikan, AK

About: "lifelong Ketchikan resident"

Received October 03, 2008 - Published October 04, 2008



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska