SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Roy Nathan


October 04, 2008


Republicans have occupied the best seats in the House and more than had their fair share of the King's dainties. Every time I hear a Republican whine it makes me sick! The biggest problems we have are because of Republicans.

Tony Knowles shut down the pulp mills? Ha! How much is enough? You Republicans logged out our state, pumped all the oil into Texas and screwed up up the fishing industry.

I remember a time when Alaska was -- before big business moved in. We had trees, oil, fishing and honesty. With Republican support we have little of anything left. It is long overdue to throw the bums out.

I am a Obama/Biden supporter and do believe in CHANGE. So stop blaming others for the failings of the people you keep voting in! You got what you asked for. My advice is; wake up and get out of the party that failed. Join Obama/Biden

In Solidarity

Roy Nathan


Received October 01, 2008 - Published October 04, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska