SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


RE: Obama/Biden
By Kris Hansen


October 09, 2008
Thursday PM

I admire Katie Parrott's opinion, the democrats are behind many of the blunders that have happened upon Alaska. Ketchikan had a Pulp Mill somewhere around mile 4 of North Tongass. Roy Nathan may not remember that. Nathan, it is the ghost town of derelict buildings at Wards Cove. It it is where Ketchikan, post canneries, developed a year round economy (the tourist and fisheries only sustain k-town and Sitka for about 5 months of the year the mill was 12 months). It is humbling to reflect on the thousands effaced by the sustainability act (basically no logging act) that a Democrat decided upon many years ago. I know that my brother in law and many others had to go back and spend federal dollars to attend college to earn a living again (another portion of the huge deficit we have because of the political armies we have put into D.C.).

I do know who was at helm for the demise of the Ketchikan Pulp Company (aka LPC) of over 300 employed year round. None other than Bill Clinton. The beloved husband of a wife he cheated on with some teenage girl..A person who raped Ketchikan of 25% of the current population! Not to say at the time more than 40% of the tax revenue.Don't point fingers republican, democrat or independent.

Remember this, we are Americans, we live by what we choose. We should not live or vote by party lines or even what the media dictates to us.. There are other candidates out there that are beyond the cookie cutter -- Elephant or Donkey. That candidate is the American Party whether it is PICKENS, OBAMA, or MCCAIN or whomever it is you the voter who is responsible for your future. It is your future to Not Vote Party Lines.

Do Not Vote what the polls are telling you (most polls are originated by a party anyway). Vote by what you research. McCain does not agree with his party 25% of the time. Obama has not held a job for more than 3 years years in the same position. TJ Pickens dissolved companies to make millions but built a billion dollar empire. Who can you choose as an American to represent the fundamental principals of this Country? Don't vote unless you know.

Kris Hansen
Kent, WA

About: "The original "Ketchikan kid... Born and Raised. My Grandfather was the first resident Doctor in Ketchikan. DR. CRAMER"

Received October 09, 2008 - Published October 09, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska