SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Spending Head Tax Money
By Laurie Price


October 21, 2008
Tuesday PM

I think that next time officals apply for grants of the head tax money, they should think about the borough bus line which is used by locals and visitors alike. So many people both north, south and in town must stand in the dark and with no shelter ( of course it barely rains in Ketchikan).

I have mentioned this subject before but figured that there wasn't any funds for this project. But it looks to me that the state has money already collected to dispense. Artsy bus sheds should meet all the guidelines.

Laurie Price
Ward Cove, AK

About: "19 year resident"

Received October 21, 2008 - Published October 21, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska