SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Gas Prices
By Jim Wingren


October 25, 2008
Saturday PM


Mr. Phillips, this is the same excuse that the Oil Supply Companies in Ketchikan use every time this happens. My point of contention in this excuse is that they didn't use the same process when gas prices were rising earlier this year. We saw the retail prices change anywhere from every three days to every 5 days during the rise of gas prices. Now if you use their same reasoning for pricing we should have seen prices rise only every six weeks, not every three to five days as was the case. The Oil companies at that time used the reasoning that they had to raise prices as it was going to cost them that much more to replace the fuel sold.

My question to you and the Oil Companies is: Why are you allowed to have it both ways? If you are allowed to raise prices based on replacement costs almost on a daily basis during the rise, then why shouldn't you use the same method for pricing during this present decline in prices? Why should you be allowd to change methods of determining the retail price of fuels?

Thank you,

Jim Wingren
Ketchikan, AK

About: " 63 year resident of Ketchikan, Former City Council Person, Former Business Person"

Received October 22, 2008 - Published October 25, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska