![]() October 04, 2008
Dr. Schulte received the award as a member of the Academic Advisory Committee for an educational series titled "Physical Anthropology: The Evolving Human", which won an Emmy at the 2008 awards show in the category of Best Instructional Programming. The series is a production of California's Coastline Community College. According to the college, "Physical Anthropology: The Evolving Human" was produced with the help of more than 30 content advisors and more than 100 professional experts. For the series, a Coastline producer had the opportunity to travel to Africa and Europe to conduct interviews and gain footage of anthropologists working in their field. Footage includes hominid digs at Kobi Fora and Olduvai Gorge, and conversations with world renowned scientists at the Max Plank Institute in Germany. This is the 16th Emmy award for Coastline Community College. Dr. Priscilla Schulte specializes in multicultural education, Alaska Native cultures, socio-cultural change and archaeology of Southeast Alaska. Dr. Schulte has been a professor on the Ketchikan campus since 1980 and a pioneer in teaching university courses via distance methods over the last ten years. Dr. Schulte teaches 100-200-level anthropology and sociology classes and multicultural education classes for both undergraduate and graduate-level students. Dr. Schulte started her teaching career at Dine College (formerly Navajo Community College) now located in Tsaile, Arizona. Her anthropological fieldwork in Arizona and Chicago sparked her interest in completing an M.A. in anthropology at the University of Connecticut. During her years of living and teaching on the Navajo Nation, she began her doctoral work at the University of New Mexico which she completed after her move to Alaska in 1980. Dr. Schulte's research and teaching interests include multicultural education, Alaska Native cultures (primarily of Southeast Alaska) and Native American culture change. She produced the video, "The Bear Stands Up," which has aired on public television and is available at local libraries. Her most recent research has focused on the totem pole carvers of the Civilian Conservation Corps era. She is an adopted member of the Tongass Brown Bear clan of the Tlingit people. She is the mother of two daughters who have inspired and encouraged her in her research and teaching. For the last 20 years, Dr. Schulte's has taken UAS students on an annual archaeological fieldtrip coordinated with the Forest Service to conduct archaeological and ethnographic fieldwork with local Native elders, cultural teachers, and UAS students. The field trips focus on the survey and inventory of important cultural sites located in Southern Southeast Alaska. "Physical Anthropology: The Evolving Human" will be available at the UAS Ketchikan Campus Library.
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