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Alcohol Awareness Education Bill Set to Become Law


October 18, 2008

House Bill 75, introduced by Representative Jay Ramras (R-Fairbanks), becomes law on Tuesday, Oct. 21. This new law applies a proactive approach to educating minors about alcohol, preventing underage drinking and assisting the service industry in protecting their establishments and identifying underage customers.

Here's how it works: If you are under 21 years of age, and you are issued a minor's license on October 21st or in the future, your driver's licenses will now expire 90 days after your 21st birthday. If you are 19 years of age or older and getting an instruction permit, your instruction permit will expire no later than 90 days after your 21st birthday. Your new license will be an "OVER 21" horizontal type card. To have a driver's license or instruction permit issued under this new law, you MUST pass an Alcohol Awareness Test before you can renew your license or obtain a new license. The alcohol awareness test is based on information found in the State of Alaska Driver Manual. The manual is available on line at or at your local DMV office.

"This law ensures that individuals who have recently turned twenty-one will have access to information about alcohol and the DUI laws in this State," said Ramras. "Young adults need a refresher on the dangers of impaired driving and the dire consequences that can result. Education is and continues to be an essential tool in preventing drunk driving. This test will provide an opportunity to educate young adults on the physical impairments and the potential financial impacts incurred with a DUI arrest."

Additionally, this law allows DMV to create a license for those individuals twenty-one years of age and older, which is visibly different than licenses issued to minors. This will provide a clear and noticeable method to alcohol servers to differentiate between minors and adults.

According to the news release, this law serves to link the privilege of driving to responsible consumption of alcohol and the dangers related to making the decision to get behind the wheel of a car after drinking.



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