SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Cecelia Johnson


October 01, 2009
Thursday PM

Elections for the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) is coming up fast. When you vote it is important to vote for an individual who promotes tribal membership input. The Health Board has been changed to Health Committee and the public no longer can vote for their health representative. They are now appointed by tribal council.

I attend the IRA Council meetings every month and have noted that the tribal membership is not able to speak their mind about how services are being implemented, they are instead cut off rudely and are only given five (5) minutes.

On the other side of the coin, the tribal council is busy every day obtaining the best services for the people they serve. We have a young General Manager/Health Administrator who does a great job in managing both programs. The staff work equally hard to keep 2960 offices going as well as 429 and Day Care.

The tribal council answers to our membership. Let's implement that concept to the fullest. Be involved and get active in your government. There are many talented members amongst us and we need to encourage and mentor them into leadership roles.

If I decide to run for tribal council, my platform will be, promoting communication with tribal membership. Listen to our people. Problem solve. Most importantly, When an issue comes before us it is the issue and not the personality.

In my work with Ketchikan Indian Community (KIC) I know first hand it is a great organization and works hard for tribal members. See you at the polls.

Cecelia Johnson
Tribal Member
Ketchikan, AK

Received October 01, 2009 - Published October 01, 2009


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska