SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Thank you KPU
By Robert Renninger


October 12, 2010
Tuesday PM

I live 14 miles north, and when the power went out last Saturday night, I just figured KPU would have it up in an hour or so.  When I got up, and the power was still off, I though there must be a big problem this time.  

When the power is off long enough people start to realize just how much of our daily life depends on electricity.  With no lights, heat, running water, refrigerator, freezers, computer, internet, phones, we get a wakeup call.

My wife and I went in to town. On the way in we could see some of the damage done by the storm Saturday night.  

To our delight KPU was able to get our power up the same day even with hanging wires, and broken poles.  I don’t think we thank the hard working people at KPU enough, they are always there looking out for all of us.  Thank you KPU.


Robert Renninger
Ketchikan, AK


Received October 10, 2010 - Published October 12, 2010


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska