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Joe Miller, the RIGHT Choice
By Sandy Powers


October 26, 2010
Tuesday AM

Sometimes I almost wish I were a Democrat. It would be easier to stomach the political articles appearing right and left - but mostly left - in Alaska's media. Newspapers wield an undue amount of influence on political outcomes. And so, misleading headlines such as AP Becky Bohrer's recent "Missteps Cost Miller" are disturbing in their bias.

What exactly are these so called "crippling missteps" Bohrer trots out?

1) Joe acknowledged his family has received legal Medicaid, unemployment, and federal farm subsidies. So? Joe suggests that many of the federal programs that are running the country broke could be better administered at a state level. What's the issue here?

2) Using the Berlin Wall as a border enforcement example? Maybe a bit strong, but is there any denial that the US-Mexico border is a hotbed of drugs and violence? Whatever we're doing right now is not working, and Joe recognizes that fact.

3) The Hopfinger incident was a cheap, staged publicity stunt. This attention-seeker physically blocked Joe's path as he tried to leave a private event, shouting and shoving his camera into Joe's face, and then pushed someone against the wall in his determination to create a scene. The required security personnel did their job and restrained him. Imagine the outrage if a Miller supporter had subjected Murkowski to this same ridiculous paparazzi treatment.

There are no Miller "missteps" here. Articles such as Bohrer's are just a desperate attempt by his opponents to usurp the campaign through personal slander while avoiding genuine issues.

By contrast, Joe Miller is running a clean campaign focused on the important issues shaping our country's future. Joe Miller is focused on finding solutions, not encouraging us to put our heads in the sand. The other candidates simply do not present the same high standards, moral fiber, and commitment to positive change in Washington as does Joe Miller. He didn't get a Bronze Star for Leadership in Combat by running away, lying, making excuses, or flinging dirt. Joe Miller stands for integrity and getting the job done....and he's the RIGHT choice for our next US Senator. I'm voting for JOE MILLER on November 2.

Sandy Powers
Ketchikan, AK

About: "35 year Alaska resident wanting some positive change in Washington"

Received October 23, 2010 - Published October 26, 2010



"Missteps Cost Miller"

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Ketchikan, Alaska