![]() by Ken Bylund October 27, 2010
The Tea Party; challenging words taken from a patriotic era of American history, now demoted to an ugly insult by left wing power brokers; that self denying moral ideal embraced as a moniker for those who disagree with the theft of our nation by that old European worshiping breed of insiders, that Toryist brand of aristocrats who have been having their way with us, the ignorant masses. Now we see pressure building, a bold crossing of the line, not bothering with those pesky long accepted rights, an aloof contempt for the constitution, that guiding document they swore to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic... And the First Amendment, now bent and twisted to justify the press freedom to dominate our perspective, feeding us lies, teaching our children what they want them to believe, not listening to us or caring what we think, that watchdog press devolved into a propaganda machine promoting progressive change, not elaborating on where they will lead us, only that if we are compliant, trust them, they will provide for us, promises that will lead us down to that baseline level with the rest of the third world... because we are bad. Yes, their hero, George Soros, the Jim Jones of socialist ideology, says it's time to drink the cool-aid, children... trust us. In Alaska we have a chance to escape that Monkey Trap, almost there... Joe Miller's character, assassinated by Alaska's newspapers, Alaska's radio, and television... did you see or hear anything negative about Lisa Murkowski? What deals did she make to them and their propaganda machine? If everyone who will vote for Joe Miller were to cancel your subscriptions to your newspapers, call them, and give credit to their handling of the trust they have betrayed, and to those patriots who will be voting on November 2nd, 2010, it is your duty to make that trip to the polls... do it! Scott McAdams, you have our respect as an honorable man... if the vote were between you and Murkowski, you would have my vote; Lisa Murkowski... you have behaved disgracefully, dishonoring a distinguished member of the armed forces, the news media also, they did not issue a whisper of anything that might expose that pathological integration with your personal Monkey Trap; they accepted and seemed to enjoy their complicity in that dark role. I apologize to the rest of America for your display of venomous behavior, an embarrassment, but should someone ask... what would you do, in the next six years, to extract us from this debacle, but then, what have you done to avoid this disaster in those long eight years past... what talent or genius, what special ability did you employ to foresee and avoid the destruction of our country? Ken Bylund Received October 26, 2010 - Published October 27, 2010 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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