SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

By Suzan Thompson


October 07, 2011

In response to Art Bailly's letter: if someone in the city's administration told him that $50,000 was too much to spend to put a crosswalk light at the intersection of Carlanna and Baranof, then it seems that a monetary value has been assigned to the life of each child who needs to cross there, and it is not high.

I bet if Mr. Bailly could figure out a way to get those children to spend a couple of hundred dollars apiece per year on cheap t-shirts and tacky trinkets, he'd find there was a sudden upsurge of interest in finding ways to get them safely across the street.

Suzan Thompson
Ketchikan, AK


Received October 06, 2011 - Published October 07, 2011

Related Viewpoint:

letter RE: Cruise Line Customer Service By Art Bailly


Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska