By Don Hoff Jr.
October 27, 2011
Special Thank you to Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 14 and Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 14 .for the beautiful service and hosting the reception at K.I.C. on Deermount St. and Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 15 for their presence also. And, Ketchikan Indian Community (K.I.C.) for all their support and help for our Mother. And, Tongass Tribe for speaking on behalf of my Mother and being present and supporting the family. And, V.F.W. Post of Ketchikan for being present, Tillie loved the V.F.W. Ladies Aux and Post. Gunalcheesch, Gunalcheesch Ho Ho! Don Hoff Jr. About:" Former; Ketchikan City Council/Vice Mayor, Ketchikan I.R.A. Council, State of Alaska O.S.H.A. Boardmember/Chairman, Tongass Tribe Member" Received October 26, 2011 - Published October 27, 2011 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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