SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



October 01, 2012

(SitNews) - On Oct. 4, 2012, eligible Alaskans will be receiving Permanent Fund Dividends in the amount of $878.00. The influx of cash is important to the community, but Better Business Bureau warns that more money usually means more problems.

“There’s typically a spike in scam complaints surrounding PFD disbursements and it’s critical that Alaskans are cautious of coincidentally-timed ‘opportunities,’” says Robert W.G. Andrew, CEO of BBB serving Alaska, Oregon and Western Washington.

In general, the BBB says to avoid situations where significant upfront fees are requested:

Investment seminars:

Beware if “free” seminars pitch “guaranteed” or “zero-risk” investment opportunities in real estate, stocks or timeshares, but require upfront fees or cannot provide substantiation of claims.

Work-from-home jobs:

Very few work-from-home jobs are legitimate; avoid jobs where employers are difficult to locate, require upfront payments for “marketing collateral” or starter kits, or simply sound too good to be true.

Talent scouts:

Fraudulent agencies travel the country and host one-day or two-day events to cast models and actors; some require large down payments for contracts, then skip town or never come through with talent offers.

Report suspected PFD fraud to the Alaska Department of Revenue’s Permanent Fund Dividend Division.


Source of News:

Better Business Bureau


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska

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