SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Summer Weather Summary For Ketchikan


October 08, 2012
Monday PM

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - The climate of Southeast Alaska is usually cool and damp and summer is no exception. Although it is possible to have summer temperatures in the 80s in Ketchikan, it is not a common occurrence. In June, the temperature did reach a high of 81°F which occurred on the 23rd, tying the record for this day, set in 2004.

September 2012

For the month of September 2012, Ketchikan reported average temperatures of 53.3°F, 0.8°F above the long-term mean of 52.5°F. The maximum temperature for the month was 67°F, which occurred on the 7th, while the minimum (41°F) was reported on the 16th.

Precipitation was near normal, totaling 14.43", or just 5% above the long term mean of 13.79".

jpg September 2012 Weather Chart

August 2012

Ketchikan reported slightly colder than average temperatures in August, with a mean temperature of 57.5°F, -0.5°F under the long-term mean of 58.0°F. The maximum temperature for the month was 75°F, which occurred on the 17th, while the minimum (45°F) was reported on the 30th.

Precipitation was significantly lower than normal, reporting 5.68", or just 58% of the long term mean of 9.81".

jpg August 2012 Weather Chart

July 2012:

Ketchikan reported slightly colder than average temperatures in July, with a mean temperature of 57.5°F, -0.2°F under the long-term mean of 57.7°F. The maximum temperature for the month was 75°F, which occurred on the 15th, while the minimum (43°F) was reported on the 3rd.

Precipitation was higher than normal, reporting 9.06", or 138% of the long term mean amount of 6.57". Despite the large amount of rain that fell, no new records were set.

jpg July 2012 Weather Chart

June 2012:

Ketchikan's average temperature of 52.7°F was 1.4°F below the long-term mean in June. The highest temperature of the month measured 81°F and occurred on the 23rd, tying the record for this day, set in 2004. The monthly low temperature of 37°F transpired on the 4th.

Monthly precipitation of 9.85" was nearly 50% above the long-term mean of 6.60". No new records were set.

jpg June 2012 Weather Summary


Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of Data and Charts:

Alaska Climate Research Center


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Ketchikan, Alaska

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