By Lois Munch
October 22, 2012
To get the best out of your vote for District 33 Representative, vote for MATT OLSEN on Nov. 6. Among the issues he supports, he is a firm supporter of vocational training ad job opportunities for our young people. We hear so often that out-of-town companies have gotten bids and brought their own people with them—many times because they can’t find the skilled labor they need here. Let’s see that we have a trained workforce that lives here, pays taxes, buys groceries, fuel and building materials, hires babysitters, and does all those things that support our local economy in District 33. Vote for MATT. He is a believer in vocational training for jobs in our area. Sincerely, former Ketchikan High School vocational teacher, Lois Munch
Received October 19, 2012 - Published October 22, 2012
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