SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Albert Kookesh for Senate, District Q
By Richard J. Peterson


October 30, 2012
Tuesday PM

To the Editor:

I write this letter in support of Senator Albert Kookesh and his bid for the newly combined District Q. I have known Senator Kookesh for many years and have worked closely with him in my prior role as Mayor of Kasaan, now Council Member, and currently as Tribal President for the Organized Village of Kasaan and lastly as the President of the Southeast Island School District. It is not in any of these capacities that I endorse Senator Kookesh, however it is with these experiences that I draw upon to gauge the effectiveness, dedication, and determination of which Senator Kookesh has served his constituents.

Senator Kookesh works tirelessly to see that the needs of our communities are not merely recognized but even more importantly addressed. I implore those in District Q to consider the needs of the entire District as they cast their ballot, we should consider as a region that we have someone who recognizes that as region we are only as strong as our smallest community, that we are all treated as important as the next.

Thank You,

Richard J. Peterson
Kasaan, AK

About: "Lifelong Kasaan Resident, advocate for my community."

Received October 24, 2012 - Published October 30, 2012



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska