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AIDEA To Evaluate Southeast Alaska Mining Project


October 09, 2013
Wednesday PM

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Niblack Project LLC, a subsidiary of Heatherdale Resources Ltd., for evaluation of a potential mineral processing plant and associated facilities at the Gravina Island Industrial Complex in the Ketchikan area.

If developed, the Ketchikan site would handle mineralized materials from the Niblack Project, a copper-gold-zinc-silver prospect in an advanced exploration phase of development, located southwest of Ketchikan on Prince of Wales Island. Based on operations at similar-sized deposits, a mine at Niblack on Prince of Wales would generate approximately 150 full-time jobs, and the processing facility near Ketchikan would provide an additional 80 full-time positions.

“The Niblack Project has tremendous potential economic benefit to Southeast Alaska communities, residents and business,” said AIDEA Executive Director Ted Leonard. “This is a unique opportunity to generate employment and economic activity on Prince of Wales Island and in the greater Ketchikan area. We are pleased to work with Heatherdale in evaluating the responsible development of this project.”

AIDEA has been involved in support for Alaska’s mining industry for nearly 30 years, beginning with its financing and construction of the DeLong Mountain Transportation System, the road and port serving the area that includes Red Dog Mine.

The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority is a public corporation of the state.


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AIDEA’s purpose is to promote, develop and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of Alaska.

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Ketchikan, Alaska

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