Nonessential -Yep! By A.M. Johnson October 07, 2013 Editor-Sitnews, You can not improve on this newspaper headline: "Across the country the first signs of a shutdown began to appear, with National Park Service property being shuttered and hundreds of thousands of nonessential federal employees staying home." (Click here) Like National Parks are some sort of important venue? Come on, those are pimples on an elephant's butt in the scheme of government activity, including the Tongass Forest. Wonder who & how many Federal employees in Ketchikan qualify "nonessential". Just saying. How does one think of him or herself begin told "Dude" you are "nonessential"? Regards, A.M. Johnson About: "Old, but remember the scream of a well sharpen chain saw biting into a mature Spruce and the call of "Timber"" Received October 01, 2013 - Published October 07, 2013 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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