FairTax: HR 25 By Fred Walker October 07, 2013
Competition drives down cost as long as every entity is effected by the same cost of doing business. HR:25 removes the unfair advantage Governments have over private enterprise. This will force Governments to compete to provide services on the same level as private enterprise. This should allow many private businesses to provide lower cost services. The ability for Government to constantly increase the cost of providing service by increasing taxes will disappear! This will drive down cost. Most if not all of the Government cost we now pay will decrease. Many of the jobs and services will move too private sector. Government waste and fraud will decrease. Government then can do what the Constitution directs it to do, Govern not run businesses. These are not bad consequences or hidden fine print negatives. As to President Bush's Commission Reports, many in Government do not like HR:25 and are working to stop its enactment. The repeal of the 16th Amendment will cause Federal, State & local taxes to become uniform as required by the U.S. Constitutions Article 1, section 8 wording, The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States. This will put the Citizens back in charge of Taxation and spending. The incentive for large investors to spend millions of dollars to get Representatives and Senators elected to pass the tax loop holes they seek will vanish. As with any law or Bill you must go to other sources for information on how that Bill or (tax law) is applied. This is not hidden or fine Print . This falls under using reference material! As to The problem is not the retail sales tax on personal consumption -- the problem is the OTHER 2.1 Trillion in taxes. Fairtax clever fine print glosses over these other taxes, but worse, there is no mention of them in the books videos and speeches. You contradict yourself! You state the problem is not the retail sales tax on personal consumption and turn around in the next paragraph and complain about a tax on health services . You are correct this is not a problem. HR:25 treats everyone and everything the same! The Government no longer picks winners and losers. It is a tax on all goods and services, no exceptions & no loopholes not for individuals, businesses or Governments! I would also like to see the assumptions used to compute the 2.1Trillion in taxes If that were true and the supplied services are the same would we not currently be paying those operational cost? Or does that operational cost just disappear under the current system? Cost of operations do not just appear and disappear. HR:25 is covered in many books, videos, speeches & LTTE. If the tax rate is to hi, as with current Federal Taxes, then it will have to be cut! There is nothing in HR:25 that would prevent cutting the rate. This is another good thing. Note that HR:25s tax rate was computed to meet the revenue neutral requirement of the current House Ways and Means Committee. Any Bill considered that might replace current taxes must be revenue neutral. This is the poison pill instituted by Congress to discourage repealing the 16th Amendment and the Income tax it allowed!. Currently we the Citizens are paying most of these same cost and fees hidden in goods and services cost that will be removed under HR:25 and the required repeal of the 16th Amendment. When people see the real cost they are paying they will demand cuts! This is what the establishment fears most! Fred Walker
About: I'm a U.S. Citizen. I work as an Independent Inspector in the Nuclear Industry. I have tried to help promote HR:25 for about seven years. I feel it is the best chance "We the People" have to regain control of Government. Received September 28, 2013 - Published October 07, 2013 Related Viewpoint:
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