SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

What do we deserve?

By Duane Hill


October 11, 2013
Friday PM

I'd say the Obama supporters are getting what they deserve. If you poke around the net, and I recommend Drudgereport, legalinsurrection, and, you will discover that this fedgov "shutdown" leaves 87% of the fedgov working. Various federal agencies are under orders to do whatever they can to make life miserable for the public and blame the Republicans for it. Ketchikan readers might recall that Ward Lake was shut down in spite of the minimal expense involved with keeping it open, in fact, it cost more man hours to keep it shut down than to keep it open. This is true of many National Parks across the US.

Obama claims he bent over backwards to cooperate with the Republicans? Bull. He refuses to negotiate, and has, in fact, shut down the channels of communication. Try to reach him at the White House website. Try to call the White House. Yet he continues to spend money for his own, very luxurious lifestyle.

Obama claims he will negotiate after he gets everything he wants. What's to negotiate then? What else we can give this narcissistic parasite?

"Obamacare"? Try to sign up for it, and remember, the fine print includes permission to give whatever you enter to the police, and any email you send can be released to the public.

Duane Hill
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "Long time civil rights activist"

Received October 09, 2013 - Published October 11, 2013




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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska