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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Government Tea Party Time

By Norbert Chaudhary


October 11, 2013
Friday PM

I've got to say that I'm damn proud of the Republican Party. They've done this country a great service battling Obama at every turn and on every issue for the last five years.

By defending tax breaks for the rich, reminding us that Corporations are people too and vigorously defending the rights of the mentally ill to own assault rifles, they know what priorities are important to the American people!

But what positively brings tears to my eyes is their resilience against overwhelming odds. Even though a majority of Americans want Affordable Health Care and though it is already the law, this has not stopped the Tea Party's relentless campaign to prevent millions of children and the poor from having health care!

They have tried and failed 42 times to halt the Affordable Health Care Act, even taking to the Supreme Court where they also failed.

Rather than working with the President to give the American people something every other modern industrialized nation (and every single politician) has long had - affordable health care - they have spent all their time and effort undermining this. We owe these dedicated men and women so much!

Knowing they would actually lose a straight up vote on the budget, they've sidetracked their party and even managed to spin the blame for this debacle right back on to President Obama.

That they haven't given up yet and are not deterred in the least by the damage that is being done to this country is an outstanding example of narrow-minded, obsession driven partisan politics.

Exactly how our founding fathers had envisioned the American Government working. They would be so proud of our Politicians today!

I applaud the Republican Fox Tea Party and the stubborn intransigence they've shown! And I share in the pride and joy I see in the Tea Party Republican eyes as they watch the country crumble around them.

Whatever it takes to bring Obama down, no matter the cost or the long term damage, we can count on the leadership of the Republican Tea Party to take us there!

God Bless America!

Norbert Chaudhary
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "Enjoying the empty trails and fall weather"

Received October 10, 2013 - Published October 11, 2013




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Ketchikan, Alaska